Types of Articles:

1- Original Research Article: It should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail to verify the research. The length of a full article should not be longer than 15 printed pages (about 30 manuscript pages). An original research article would normally consist of at least 4000 with the maximum number of 5500 words (including figures, tables, and references). Maximum number of references for Original research paper is 45.


2- Short Communications: It is suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques or apparatus. Short communications are 2 to 4 printed pages (about 6 to 12 manuscript pages) in length. Short communications should be prepared with the maximum number of 3500 words. Maximum number of references for short communication is 25.

3- Review Article: Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Reviews should be comprehensive and no longer than 15 printed pages (about 20 to 30 manuscript pages). Review articles which exceed 6000 words (maximum 9000 words) will be considered. Maximum number of references for review articles is 65. 

  • Format: 

1- Manuscripts must be adjusted in 1.5 spaced lines, single-column, in an MS Word format 2010 or 2013 (docx) with margins of 20 mm of left and right, 30 mm of top and 25 mm of bottom side in A4 paper size. Please also submit the PDF of Manuscript as a supplementary file.

2- Texts must be typed in Times New Roman (TNR) font 12-point size (Table 1). Latin words and scientific names are in italics, even at references list, with the exception of common expressions such as ‘e.g.’, ‘et al.’, ‘in vitro’, and ‘etc.’.

3- All pages must be numbered consecutively, at bottom and center of the page.

4-Tables and figures can be placed within the text or on the separate page(s) at the end, including caption.

5- Used font and its size must be according to Table 1. 

Table 1. Times New Roman (TNR) font size and specifications in different sections of the manuscript and title page.






Bold, The first letter of first word cap, left-aligned

Author (s)


Bold, left-aligned



Italic, left-aligned







General Text


Plain, line spacing: 1.5,  justified

Tables and Figures captions



Tables (data and text)



Figures (data and text)






Main Headings


Bold, ALL WORDS CAP, left-aligned



Bold, initial cap only, left-aligned



Hanging: 0.6 cm, Justified


6- The title page should include the authors' full names and affiliations, the name of the corresponding author along with phone, fax, and E-mail information.

  • Structure of Articles:
  • Original Manuscript should be arranged in the following order with the maximum number of words shown in each section: Title (20), Abstract (250), Additional keywords (5), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (or Combined presentation of results and discussion), Conclusion, Acknowledgments, Literature Cited, Tables, and Figures. 
  • Review Manuscript should be arranged in the following order: Title (20), Abstract (250), Additional keywords (5), Introduction, Sub-title, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Literature Cited, Tables, and Figures.
  • POINT: Divide your manuscript into defined and numbered sections (1. Introduction). Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, …), 1.2, etc. Each heading should appear on its own separate line.

1- Title:

The title should be brief and show the contents of the paper. Do not use an abbreviation

2-  Abstract:

  • The Abstract should be informative and including objectives, materials used, treatments, major findings, and conclusions are written in a paragraph. The Abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. Alphabetically list three to five additional keywords, which have not been used in the title, in lower case. 
  • The abstract for papers should follow the “structured abstract” format. Section labels as followed by a colon. All in one paragraph.
  • Abstract Format for original or short communication papers (200 - 250 words) in one paragraph: 

 Purpose: Please explain the purpose of the research with research problem (maximum 60 words)  

 Research Method: Please describe what the research method is (Maximum 50 words)

 Findings: Describe the Main findings of the research (maximum 100 words)  

 Research limitations: Describe limitations of the research (maximum 25 words)

 Originality/Value: Describe what the practical value of this research is

 Key Words: Maximum 5 keywords

  • Abstract Format for review paper (200 - 250 words) in one paragraph: 

 Purpose: (maximum 60 words)  

 Findings: (maximum 100 words)  

 Limitations: (maximum 40 words)

 Directions for future research: (maximum 50 words)

 Key Words: Maximum 5 keywords 


The introduction should provide the necessary background information for the average reader; it should be both complete and concise. Previous and recent publications that form a basis for the work presented should be cited.

4- Materials and Methods: 

In the Materials and Methods section, the experimental procedures should be cited and described in sufficient detail. This section should be made as concise as possible by reference to procedures that have already been published. Treatments, experimental design, and statistical method must be explained in detail.

5-  Results and Discussion: 

Results should be presented with clarity and precision. The discussion should interpret the meaning of findings in view of the results obtained and compare them with other previous studies. The discussion section should not contain a repeat of the results. It is also possible to present results and discussion in separate sections.


6- Conclusion: 

State the conclusions in a few sentences at the end of the paper in a separate section.

7- Acknowledgment(s): 

The Acknowledgements section should be brief. Any grant that requires acknowledgment(s) should be mentioned. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.

8- Conflict of Interest: 

If there is no conflict of interest to declare, do still include this section and insert "The authors have no conflict of interest to report".

9- Literature Cited: 

Authors are encouraged to cite only published or in press, significant and up-to-date references in their papers. Please do not cite abstracts.

Text: If references are made in the text listed in Literature Cited, refer to them by the author's family name(s) and the year published according to the APA referencing system, briefly identified in Appendix 1. Groups of references should be listed first chronologically, then alphabetically. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication.

List: All literature cited should be listed in an alphabetical order, by the author’s family names. More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters 'a', 'b', 'c', etc., placed after the year of publication. If copying references, please be careful as they may already contain errors or did not in a perfect format even when using Google Scholar. A DOI should be provided for all references where available. Note that authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of the references.

  • Please use Crossref free of charge and find DOI of articles quickly and then add them in the reference list of your manuscript.(New) 


Appendix 1. APA  referencing system

 1-In-text citation

 A Work by Two Authors: Example: Research by Wegener and Petty (2010) supports...    (Wegener & Petty, 2010)

 A Work by Three to Five Authors: Example: (Kernis et al., 1999)

  2- In a reference list:

Basic Format for Periodical 

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. http://dx.doi.org/xx.xxx/yyyyy 

Lee, S. K., & Kader, A. A. (2000). Preharvest and postharvest factors influencing vitamin C content of horticultural crops. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 20(3), 207-220. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0925-5214(00)00133-2


Basic Format for Books

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.

Yahia, E. M. (Ed.). (2009). Modified and controlled atmospheres for the storage, transportation, and packaging of horticultural commodities. London: CRC press.


Chapter in an Edited Book 

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. In Title of book (Ed.). Publisher, Location, pages of chapter.

Ferguson, I. B., & Boyd, L. M. (2002). Inorganic nutrients and fruit quality. In Fruit quality and its biological basis (Knee M ed.). Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield, UK, 17-45.


Conference Paper in Proceedings 

Author of Paper, A., & Author of Paper, B. (Year, Month date). Title of paper. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor.Title of Published Proceedings. Location (inclusive page numbers). Publisher (if available in print format).

Moradinezhad, F., Able, A. J., Sedgley, M., & Klieber, A. (2006, August). Concentration and duration of ethylene treatment influences the response of banana to 1-methylcyclopropene. In A.C. Purvis, W.B. McGlasson, & S. Kanlayanarat. IV International Conference on Managing Quality in Chains-The Integrated View on Fruits and Vegetables Quality 712. Bangkok, Thailand (pp. 747-752).


Internet Documents 

Standard format

Author, A. A. (Year). Title: Subtitle (Edition). Publisher. Retrieved from Source or supplier information: internet address

Whole Internet site
Goldberg, I. (2000). Dr. Ivan's depression central. Retrieved from http://www.psycom.net/depression.central.html


  10- Tables and Figures:

Please submit tables and figures (graphs) as editable text and not as images. Manuscripts should contain all figures of high quality suitable for publication. Please avoid using vertical lines in tables. All figures and tables should be embedded while correctly positioned. Please use "Table" in both text and captions. However, use (Fig.) at the end of the sentence and captions and use Figure in text. Totally include about 8 tables and figures in the manuscript. Footnotes to tables should appear beneath the tables and should be designated by a lower-case superscript letter, †, or z, y, x, etc.

  • The title should state precisely what the table shows, not what the table is about.
  • Data should be rounded for significance: 76.42, not 76.42796.
  • Use appropriate symbols to identify items that are explained in the footnotes.
  • Every table and figure in a manuscript for publication should have a number and be numbered sequentially: Table 1, Table 2, Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and so on.
  • Figures and tables must be provided in portrait orientation with maximum width 7 or 15 cm.
  • The graphs shall be prepared using Excel or Statistica programmes and saved in editable format (TIFF format).

11- Numbers, Dates, and Units:

 A common style uses words for numbers from 1 to 9 and numerals for numbers of 10 and above, for example, 'more than two' and 'over 500', (except at the start of a sentence). It is almost always best to write dates using a word (in full or abbreviated) for the month: 12 November 2016 or 12 Nov 2016. The abbreviated forms are commonly used in tables. Place the unit after the numeral, with space in between; 2 ml, 10 kg, 6 min, 22 °C. The CPHE follow the SI for units of measurement (SI units is available in CPHE website). SI recommends using the negative exponential with units: 2 mg kg-1, rather than 2 mg/kg. Levels of statistical significance which can be mentioned without further explanation are: *, P ≤0.05 and **, P ≤0.01. For converting different units to SI you can also visit www.convertunits.com website.